2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'wesleyan university employment'|The 2014 U.S. News Law School Rankings: Employment Data (Part II)

About 'wesleyan university employment'|The 2014 U.S. News Law School Rankings: Employment Data (Part II)

               What               is               a               Cover               Letter?
               A               cover               letter               is               a               letter               sent               along               with               a               resume               to               prospective               employers.

The               purpose               of               a               cover               letter               is               to               link               your               resume               with               the               position               you               are               applying               for.

The               letter               gives               an               employee               the               opportunity               to               demonstrate               their               skills               and               experiences               with               possible               employers.

Also,               a               cover               letter               allows               the               employer               to               decide               whether               or               not               the               potential               employee               would               make               a               positive               contribution               to               the               position               they               are               applying               for.

               Format               for               a               Cover               Letter
               In               addition               to               outlining               the               skills               and               experiences               of               the               potential               employee,               a               cover               letter               should               be               clear,               concise               and               persuasive.

The               target               length               of               a               successive               cover               letter               is               200               words               and               three               to               four               paragraphs.

A               cover               letter               should               also               never               exceed               one               page.

Contact               information               should               always               be               displayed               on               the               letter               as               well.

If               at               all               possible,               the               letter               should               be               addressed               to               a               specific               person.
               Paragraph               One
               Reveal               the               purpose               in               writing.

Get               to               the               point               quickly.

Paragraph               one               is               the               paragraph               that               should               identify               the               position               of               the               prospective               employee.

The               opening               paragraph               can               also               contain               the               name               of               any               person               or               people               who               may               have               referred               you               to               the               possible               employer.

The               opening               paragraph               should               conclude               with               a               persuasive               statement               that               explains               why               you               are               most               qualified               for               the               position.

This               statement               will               serve               as               a               transition               into               paragraph               two.
               Paragraph               Two
               The               second               paragraph               should               focus               on               what               you               can               contribute               to               the               position               you               are               applying               for.

This               contribution               should               be               based               on               your               experience,               education               and               skill               level.

While               this               paragraph               should               concentrate               on               your               skills               and               experiences,               it               should               not               merely               be               a               restatement               of               your               resume.

Instead,               use               this               paragraph               to               focus               on               how               your               skills               can               make               a               positive               contribution               to               the               position               you               are               applying               for.

It               is               always               helpful               to               have               researched               the               company               and               the               position               you               are               applying               for               so               you               can               demonstrate               how               your               skills               will               be               an               asset               to               the               company.
               Paragraph               Three
               This               closing               paragraph               will               need               to               call               attention               to               your               resume.

It               should               include               your               phone               number               and               your               appreciation               to               the               reader               for               taking               time               to               read               your               letter               and               resume.
               Closing               Your               Cover               Letter
               A               cover               letter               should               be               closed               the               same               way               as               a               business               letter.

Space               four               to               five               lines               and               type               your               name.

This               allows               room               for               your               signature.

Two               lines               under               your               typed               name,               type               the               word               Enclosure               to               indicate               that               your               resume               is               also               included               with               your               letter.
               "About               Cover               Letters."               Hart               Career               Center.

Illinois               Wesleyan               University.


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wesleyan university employment

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