레이블이 Mitchell College인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Mitchell College인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'university of new haven'|Renderings and Models of New Yale University Residential Colleges Released

About 'university of new haven'|Renderings and Models of New Yale University Residential Colleges Released

So               you've               decided               to               continue               your               education               at               the               University               of               Tennessee               at               Martin,               but               now               are               unsure               of               what               to               do               when               you're               not               doing               schoolwork?

Though               UTM               is               one               of               the               safest               campuses               in               the               country,               because               it's               located               in               rural               Martin,               Tennessee,               most               out-of-town               students               don't               hang               around               on               weekends,               dubbing               it               a               "suitcase               college."               The               town               offers               very               little               in               the               way               of               nightlife               or               other               entertainment,               but               there               are               a               few               things               you               should               know               to               make               your               stay               here               in               Martin               more               bearable.

Here               are               some               tips               I               have               to               share               as               a               UTM               student               and               Martin               resident               of               10               years.

Eating               and               Drinking

The               food               on               campus               is               surprisingly               good;               about               as               good               as               anything               you               can               buy               off               campus.

A               meal               plan               would               be               a               great               investment               if               you               are               living               off               campus               or               in               married/family               housing               and               aren't               planning               on               bringing               your               own               lunch               most               days.

You               won't               have               to               leave               campus               at               all.
               If               you               do               live               in               the               dorm,               I               believe               a               meal               plan               is               required.
               If               you               don't               want               to               have               a               meal               plan,               just               keep               some               money               on               your               SkyHawk               card.

You               can               pay               for               food               whenever               you               need               it               by               using               this               card,               not               to               mention               being               able               to               buy               items               from               the               book               store               or               pay               for               campus               printers               and               vending.

Of               course,               preparing               your               own               meals               would               be               the               cheapest               way               to               go.

For               non-fast               food               options,               try               the               Mexican               restaurant               La               Canasta.

It's               the               least               expensive               of               Martin's               three               Mexican               options,               very               close               to               campus               (in               a               converted               house               right               across               from               Gooch               Hall)               and               it               serves               tasty               food               in               good               portions.

It's               usually               not               crowded               and               the               staff               is               very               friendly.
               For               pizza,               try               Snappy               Tomato.

A               large               order               of               cheese               sticks               with               marinara               is               cheaper               than               a               medium               cheese               pizza,               but               is               roughly               the               same               size               and               tastes               better               in               my               opinion.

Their               lunch               and               dinner               buffet               is               less               expensive               than               Pizza               Hut's               and               offers               a               variety               of               pizza,               dessert               pizza,               salad,               pasta               and               wings.
               The               Chinese               restaurant,               Dragon               Buffet,               has               an               inexpensive               lunch               buffet               and               tastes               okay               the               majority               of               the               time.

There               have               been               instances,               however,               that               the               food,               especially               the               seafood,               had               that               "this               has               been               sitting               out"               taste.

I               didn't               actually               get               sick,               but               it               didn't               feel               safe               to               continue               eating.
               The               Hearth               Restaurant               is               a               pretty               good               place               to               sit               down               and               eat               your               typical               all-American               and               Southern               cuisine.

Their               grilled               chicken               breast               sandwich               is               huge,               cheap               and               delicious.

They               also               have               a               decent               salad               bar               with               a               lot               of               fresh               options.

Their               fried               chicken,               catfish               and               ribs               are               yummy,               but               can't               be               good               for               your               health!

They               also               offer               delicious               fruit               cobblers,               pies               and               ice               cream.

Besides               gas               stations               and               Wal-Mart,               the               only               place               you'll               be               able               to               get               food               at               any               hour               of               the               night               is               McDonalds               and               they               only               offer               a               limited               menu               past               midnight.

Keep               this               in               mind,               night               owls!

If               you               don't               feel               like               going               shopping               in               the               middle               of               the               night,               be               sure               to               bring               a               mini               fridge               for               your               dorm               and               keep               some               late               night               fuel               stocked.

You               cannot               buy               distilled               spirits               or               wine               for               at-home               use               in               Weakley               County.

If               you               want               wine               and               spirits,               the               closest               place               is               in               Fulton,               Kentucky.

You               can               buy               beer               in               Martin               from               8               AM-               3AM               Monday-Saturday               and               from               12pm-               3am               on               Sunday.

Alcohol               is               not               allowed               on               the               campus               of               UTM               even               if               you               are               of               age               to               drink               it.

The               best               fast               food               places               in               Martin               are               Taco               Bell,               Long               John               Silver's,               and               KN               Rootbeer               (a               drive               in               like               Sonic).

McDonald's,               Dairy               Queen               and               Burger               King               are               neither               great               nor               completely               disgusting.

Sonic               is               very               hit               or               miss;               once               I               got               an               undercooked               burger               from               there               and               a               French               fry               in               a               shake               on               another               occasion,               so               I               try               to               avoid               them               because               they               don't               seem               to               pay               enough               attention               to               the               food.

DO               NOT               GO               TO               WENDY'S.

The               food               is               disgusting               (and               I've               been               served               pink               burgers               and               shakes               with               fries               in               them               from               other               places               and               STILL               prefer               them               over               Wendy's),               the               place               often               has               a               lot               of               flies               in               the               summer,               it               smells               and               it's               usually               either               too               hot               or               too               cold               in               the               dining               area.

For               a               more               upscale               dining               experience               (but               not               overly               formal),               try               the               Opera               House               Restaurant.

The               food               is               scrumptious,               the               atmosphere               is               calm               and               classic               and               the               building               is               lovely.

If               you               are               looking               to               take               a               date               out               for               an               impressive               meal               without               traveling               out               of               town,               this               would               be               your               best               option.
               Meeting               New               People

Probably               the               best               way               to               meet               people               is               by               joining               student               organizations               on               campus               to               find               people               who               share               your               interests.

Talk               to               people               who               happen               to               be               in               a               lot               of               the               same               classes               as               you,               especially               if               those               classes               are               in               your               major.

If               your               schedules               mirror               each               other's,               so               may               your               interests.

If               you               are               a               Christian,               there               a               many               church               options               in               Martin               and               Christian               groups               on               campus.

Attending               interesting               campus               events               will               help               you               get               to               know               people.

Like               art?

Check               out               new               displays               in               the               art               building               and               talk               to               people               who               show               up.

Like               theatre?

Attend               plays               and               find               people               to               associate               with               during               intermission               or               after               the               performance.

There               are               sports,               films,               concerts,               lectures,               comedy               shows               and               several               other               events               that               happen               around               campus               throughout               the               year;               plenty               of               opportunity               to               meet               likeminded               students.

There               is               a               handful               of               bars               in               Martin.

Probably               the               best               one               is               Cheers.

It               has               a               5               dollar               cover,               the               drinks               are               overpriced,               and               the               last               time               I               was               there               I               was               nearly               trampled               by               two               kids               trying               to               evade               the               police               and               my               friend               was               vomited               on               by               a               stranger.

They               only               play               hip-hop,               country               and               a               very               few               classic               rock               hits               ("Pour               Some               Sugar               on               Me"               by               Def               Leppard               seems               to               be               their               favorite).

There's               a               pretty               good               sized               dance               floor,               but               it's               populated               by               people               standing               around               talking               or               overly               sexual               dancing,               which               isn't               really               my               thing.

In               the               back               room,               they               sometimes               have               karaoke.

In               the               front,               they               have               some               pool               tables.

All-in-all,               I'd               rather               sit               at               home               than               go               out               here.

Because               of               Martin's               lack               of               nightlife,               many               students               opt               to               attend               house               parties               usually               thrown               by               the               fraternities.

Most               people               have               a               lot               of               fun               at               these               functions               and               return               home               safely.

Should               you               choose               to               go,               just               keep               your               eye               on               your               drink,               be               aware               of               your               surroundings               and               exercise               caution.

Don't               drink               if               you               are               underage               and               keep               your               ID               handy.

Sometimes               the               police               are               called               by               the               neighbors               and               start               carding               all               the               party               attendees.

Underage               drinking               off               campus               will               still               get               you               in               trouble               with               the               school.

Don't               do               it.

Paducah,               Kentucky,               and               Jackson,               Tennessee,               offer               more               nightlife               than               Martin               and               are               both               about               an               hour               away               in               opposite               directions.

Personally,               I               prefer               Paducah               because               Jackson               is               more               dangerous,               but               Jackson               is               slightly               closer               and               in               the               same               state

The               UTM               campus               has               tennis               courts,               a               walking               trail               and               a               beautiful               quadrangle               that               is               also               an               official               Tennessee               botanical               garden               featuring               a               collection               of               trees               native               to               Tennessee.

These               are               good               for               leisurely               walks               and               games               or               for               fitness               and               competition.

Off               campus,               Martin               has               a               new               Brian               Brown               Memorial               Greenway               that               you               can               enter               on               University               Street               for               a               peaceful               walk               or               jog.

Another               jogging               option               is               the               park               at               the               Martin               Recreation               Complex.

They               have               a               walking               trail               around               a               pond,               but               wear               sunscreen               for               this               one.

There               aren't               many               shade               trees.

If               you're               looking               to               enjoy               some               leisurely               fishing,               you               can               do               it               in               the               pond               at               the               Martin               Recreation               Complex               if               you               have               a               license               and               abide               by               the               rules               posted               at               the               pond.
               You               can               also               fish               in               nearby               Dresden               at               Garrett               Lake,               but               again,               be               licensed               and               obey               all               rules.

Tennessee               boasts               some               of               the               best               state               parks               in               the               country.

Here               are               all               the               state               parks               in               Tennessee.

You'll               notice               that               Greenfield's               Big               Cypress               Tree               State               Park               is               very               close               to               Martin.

Unless               you're               just               looking               for               a               different               place               to               walk,               I'd               avoid               this               one.

The               cypress               tree               is               now               just               a               stump,               and               there               isn't               very               much               else               out               there.
               Reelfoot               Lake               can               be               fun               and               a               great               place               to               fish,               but               be               aware               that               the               town               that               hosts               it               is               impoverished               and               isn't               exactly               a               pretty               sight,               the               snakes               aren't               afraid               of               people               and               pose               a               threat               to               children               and               pets               and               many               of               the               attractions               are               in               disrepair.
               My               favorite               West               Tennessee               state               parks               are               Paris               Landing,               Natchez               Trace               and               the               Pinson               Mounds.

They               may               be               further               than               Big               Cypress               and               Reelfoot,               but               they               are               worth               it.

For               cheap               groceries,               Wal-Mart               is               your               best               bet.

It's               a               lot               cheaper               than               the               EW               James               and               the               bakery               and               deli               are               better.

I'm               usually               all               for               supporting               local               businesses,               but               the               EW               James               in               Martin               offered               wilted               fruits               and               vegetables,               a               dirty               store               with               over               priced               items               because               of               lack               of               competition               and               meat               that,               at               times,               seemed               unsafe               to               eat               long               before               the               Wal-Mart               Supercenter               came               to               town.

For               fresh               locally               grown               vegetables               and               fruit,               nothing               beats               Martin's               Farmer's               Market.

It's               located               near               the               local               library               seasonally               from               June-               November.

You               can               get               fresh               tomatoes,               melons,               squash,               beans,               etc.

Just               a               wide               variety               of               fresh               family-grown               goods.

If               you               go               to               Paris,               stop               in               the               Miller's               Country               Store               for               great               deals               on               fresh               milk,               meats,               cheese,               spices               and               other               items               sold               by               the               local               Mennonite               community.

Martin               doesn't               have               many               shopping               options               when               it               comes               to               clothes               and               what               they               do               have               is               either               over               priced               or               repetitious.

Instead               of               shopping               in               Martin,               go               to               Union               City               to               shop               in               stores               like               Maurice's,               JC               Penny,               Goody's,               Vanity               Fair               Factory               Outlet,               and               the               Van               Heusen               outlet.

If               you're               looking               for               something               like               Kohl's               or               Macy's,               you'll               have               to               try               Jackson               or               Paducah.

If               you               don't               mind               second               hand               clothing,               Union               City               has               a               few               good               thrift               store               options.

Goodwill               is               the               best               for               variety               and               price.

They               have               a               half               off               price               tag               color               every               week               except               on               Wednesdays               and               Sundays               when               the               items               of               that               color               drop               to               just               $.99.

Also,               every               first               Saturday               of               the               month,               they               have               a               store-wide               50%               off               sale.
               Other               good               thrift               stores               are               the               Second               Glance               Thrift               Store               which               offers               only               higher               end               second               hand               clothing,               but               the               prices               can               be               steep,               and               Time               Flies,               which               is               good               on               prices               but               a               bit               cluttered.

If               you're               looking               to               preview               the               area               or               have               your               family               in               for               a               visit,               the               nicest               place               to               stay               in               Martin               is               the               new               Hampton               Inn.

It's               also               the               most               expensive.

You               may               think               the               second               best               places               to               stay               are               either               the               Econo               Lodge               or               Days               Inn,               but               they               over               charge,               the               buildings               are               dated,               the               service               isn't               great               and               the               rooms               can               be               moldy               and               dirty.
               A               cheaper               option               is               staying               in               the               Len               Haven               motel               on               Elm               Street.

It               may               not               look               spectacular               or               have               a               brand               name,               but               the               rooms               are               bigger,               the               employees               are               friendlier,               it's               in               a               very               safe               residential               neighborhood               in               walking               distance               to               a               Laundromat               and               Dairy               Queen,               and               only               costs               about               $37.00               a               night               and               still               open               for               negotiation.

Avoid               the               Eagle               Inn;               it's               in               a               noisy,               rough               and               inconvenient               part               of               town.
               Additional               Tips

The               radio               plays               only               recent               and               former               top               40,               repetitive               non-offensive               classic               rock               hits,               Christian               music,               R&B/Hip               Hop,               Oldies               and               conservative               talk               radio.

There               should               be               two               NPR               stations,               but               the               frequency               of               the               campus               station               blocks               one               and               a               Christian               station               blocks               the               other,               so               you               rarely               get               to               enjoy               them.

My               advice?

If               you               like               anything               other               than               these               genres,               bring               a               fully               stocked               iPod               or               invest               in               an               XM               subscription.

If               you               enjoy               Television,               you'll               want               cable.

Even               with               a               great               antenna,               the               new               DTV               doesn't               pick               up               any               local               stations               other               than               PBS.

Don't               get               me               wrong;               PBS               is               great,               but               it               doesn't               help               when               the               weather               is               bad               or               when               you               need               to               see               local               news.

Verizon               and               AT&T               are               pretty               much               the               only               cell               phone               providers               with               constant               coverage               in               Martin.

T-Mobile               cell               phones               are               completely               useless               here.

The               Soybean               Festival               can               be               a               lot               of               fun.

Check               it               out               in               September.

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