레이블이 Texas Wesleyan Athletics인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Texas Wesleyan Athletics인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'wesleyan university athletics'|George Daniel Testimonial Banquet – June 1958

About 'wesleyan university athletics'|George Daniel Testimonial Banquet – June 1958

Illinois               Wesleyan               University               is               my               alma               mater,               and               I               truly               enjoyed               the               4               years               I               spent               there.

Illinois               Wesleyan               is               a               small               (a               little               over               2,000               students),               private,               liberal               arts               university.

They               offer               a               wide               range               of               programs,               however,               since               it               is               still               a               small               school,               they               do               not               offer               all               the               programs               that               you               would               find               at               a               large               state               school.

It               is               also               worth               noting               that               they               are               an               undergraduate               institution,               and               there               are               no               graduate               level               classes.

               Illinois               Wesleyan               is               located               in               Bloomington,               IL,               right               next               to               its               sister               city               Normal.

Bloomington-Normal               is               in               central               Illinois,               a               little               over               an               hour               south               of               I-80               if               you               take               I-55               to               get               there.

Illinois               Wesleyan               is               only               down               the               street               from               Illinois               State               University,               close               enough               that               it               is               in               walking               distance.

Between               Bloomington               and               Normal,               you               are               never               at               a               loss               to               find               a               place               to               eat.

It               almost               seems               that               every               chain               restaurant,               coffee               shop,               and               fast               food               joint               with               Illinois               locations               can               be               found               somewhere               in               Blo-No.

There's               also               a               multitude               of               movie               theaters               and               places               to               shop.

Perhaps               my               favorite               part               of               IWU's               location               was               that               it               was               only               a               block               or               so               away               from               a               paved               bike               trail               to               run               on.

The               down               side               of               the               location               is               that               once               you               leave               the               Blo-No               area,               you're               basically               in               corn               fields.

But               that's               how               most               of               Illinois               seems               to               be               outside               of               the               Chicagoland               area.
               Student               Life               
               IWU               does               reasonably               well               at               trying               to               keep               it's               student               population               entertained.

The               Hansen               Student               Center               has               events               scheduled               for               most               weekends               out               of               the               year.

These               events               can               include               anything               from               concerts,               movies,               dinners               (usually               sponsored               by               some               club),               plays,               comedy               acts,               mentalist               acts,               or               basically               anything               that               will               provide               a               weekend               attraction.

There               is               also               a               plethora               of               clubs               and               activities               for               students               to               join.

Many               of               these               clubs               are               student               run.

If               a               student               wants               to               start               a               club               that               is               not               in               existence               already,               then               he/she               may               start               it               up!

So               if               there               is               something               that               interests               you,               but               there               is               no               club               or               activity,               then               you               can               start               it.

IWU               also               has               some               sororities/fraternities               to               choose               from,               and               some               of               these               chapters               have               houses               to               live               in               also.

An               important               note               here               is               that               IWU               has               never               been               known               as               a               party-school.

There               are               parties               in               the               Greek               houses               on               campus,               but               it               is               not               unusual               to               find               students               staying               in               on               the               weekend.
               Illinois               Wesleyan               likes               to               boast               that               they               have               a               wide               array               of               programs               to               choose               from.

However,               do               look               over               the               list               carefully,               IWU               is               still               a               small               school,               and               does               not               offer               some               of               the               more               specialized               programs               that               a               larger               school               may               be               able               to               offer.

               I               myself               graduated               with               a               degree               in               music               education,               so               I               can               only               speak               on               the               quality               of               the               music               department.

I               have               always               felt               that               the               faculty               teaching               in               the               music               department               was               outstanding.

Many               of               the               full-time               faculty               members               are               incredibly               talented               and               intelligent,               and               genuinely               care               about               students'               education.

From               time               to               time               I               did               have               a               class               or               professor               I               didn't               think               I               was               getting               a               lot               from.

But               over               the               course               of               4               years,               that               is               bound               to               happen               at               most               schools.

By               and               large               though,               the               education               I               received               made               me               into               a               more               well-rounded,               thoughtful,               and               prepared               adult.

Since               I               received               my               degree               in               music               education,               I               feel               that               my               education               was               very               practical,               and               that               I               have               been               able               to               enter               the               classroom               well-prepared.

               As               for               other               areas               of               study,               I               cannot               get               into               too               much               depth               with               that,               seeing               as               I               did               not               have               too               much               experience               in               those               areas               outside               of               my               general               education               classes.

It               seems               the               some               of               the               more               popular               programs               at               the               school               are               business,               biology,               education,               music,               and               nursing.

I               know               many               of               my               peers               have               gone               onto               law               school,               medical               school,               etc.

and               have               furthered               their               study               at               some               of               the               most               prestigious               universities               in               the               country.

In               addition,               IWU               likes               to               tell               it's               students               that               if               they               wish               to               pursue               multiple               courses               of               study,               then               they               can.

I               know               many               people               that               have               either               gotten               double               majors,               a               major               and               multiple               minors,               or               a               dual               degree.

               All               in               all,               I               feel               that               Illinois               Wesleyan               offers               a               superior               education               that               prepares               its               students               for               the               ever               evolving               world               around               us.

Before               considering               attending               this               school,               it               is               important               to               make               sure               that               the               particular               course               of               study               that               you               are               interested               in               is               offered,               and               of               the               exceptional               quality               that               is               expected               from               the               school.
               Illinois               Wesleyan               competes               in               CCIW               Conference               of               the               NCAA               Division               III.

For               a               small               school,               it               has               some               quality               athletic               programs.

However,               some               of               these               programs               may               go               through               cycles.

An               example               would               be               the               men's               basketball               team.

When               I               first               arrived,               all               of               the               home               games               were               packed,               they               had               an               great               win-loss               record,               and               I               believe               they               ended               up               placing               3rd               nationwide               in               the               spring.

By               the               time               I               was               an               upperclassman               though,               it               was               a               different               story,               and               the               home               games               were               hardly               ever               filled               up               with               fans.

That               was               the               time               that               the               women's               basketball               started               making               a               name               for               itself,               and               I               believe               they               finished               in               the               final               8               teams               in               March.

Since               I               have               left,               I               believe               the               football               team               has               gotten               a               bit               of               acclaim,               and               the               women's               track               and               field               team               has               been               excellent               for               a               few               years               now.

               In               addition,               Illinois               Wesleyan               is               home               of               the               Shirk               Center,               which               is               a               relatively               new               building.

It               is               open               for               student               use               all               year,               and               its               facilities               include               raquetball               courts,               cardio               equipment,               free               weights               and               weight               machines,               indoor               and               outdoor               track,               swimming               pool,               several               small               gyms               for               student/class               use,               and               tennis               courts.

The               facility               is               not               overwhelmingly               large,               but               it               is               large               enough               to               accommodate               a               school               of               2,000.
               Cost/Financial               Aid               
               This               is               this               biggest               drawback               of               the               school.

When               I               was               attending,               the               bill               for               tuition,               room,               and               board               was               slowly               creeping               closer               to               the               $40k               mark.

I               do               not               know               what               that               figure               currently               is,               but               my               guess               is               that               it               has               reached               that               figure               by               now.

On               the               upside,               since               it               is               a               small,               private               school,               scholarships               may               be               awarded               more               than               if               you               were               at               a               large               state               school.

The               stronger               your               academic               record,               test               scores,               and               any               other               factors               are,               you               may               be               awarded               more.

I               do               know               several               people               who               did               receive               a               full               scholarship,               but               that               is               certainly               not               something               you               can               bank               on.
               There               are               several               food               choices               students               have               when               deciding               where               to               eat               when               they               are               on               the               meal               plan.

There               is               the               main               cafeteria,               which               is               a               buffet               style.

There               are               different               stations               which               offer               different               options               throughout               the               day.

For               lunch               and               dinner,               the               sandwich               and               salad               bar               are               always               open,               as               is               the               cereal               bar.

After               that,               there               are               2-3               different               entrees               offered               at               any               given               meal.

In               addition,               there               were               always               desserts               offered               for               lunch               and               dinner               also.

The               food               in               the               cafeteria               wasn't               always               great,               but               as               far               as               college               cafeteria               food               goes,               it               could               definitely               be               worse.

My               favorite               meal               was               Sunday               brunch               though.

That's               when               they               had               the               omlet               bar!

Outside               the               cafeteria               you               also               had               2               coffee               shops               (1               on               either               side               of               the               campus),               Tommy's               (bar               and               grill),               and               the               Dugout               (sub               sandwiches               and               fast               food               type               of               place).

You               could               also               eat               at               these               places               and               still               use               your               meal               plan.
               The               campus               is               lovely.

It               is               well               landscaped               and               immaculately               maintained               by               the               grounds               crew.

The               main               quad               hosts               many               events               throughout               the               year.

When               there               is               not               something               going               on,               you               can               often               find               students               studying,               playing               sports,               etc.

               Many               of               the               buildings               on               campus               have               been               renovated,               updated,               and               some               of               them               are               just               new               all               together.

IWU               always               seems               to               have               some               sort               of               project               going               on               in               order               to               improve               the               campus               and               facilities.
               A               great               school               with               terrific               academics,               faculty,               and               facilities.

The               biggest               downside               is               the               cost.

But,               as               with               any               college,               you               need               to               decide               if               this               institution               is               going               to               be               a               good               fit               for               what               you               are               looking               for               in               course               study,               student               life,               and               the               like.

I               thoroughly               enjoyed               my               time               there,               and               the               education,               experiences,               and               relationship               I               forged               with               friends               and               faculty               will               last               me               a               lifetime.

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wesleyan university athletics
wesleyan university athletics

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wesleyan university athletics
wesleyan university athletics

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wesleyan university athletics
wesleyan university athletics

wesleyan university athletics Image 3

wesleyan university athletics
wesleyan university athletics

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wesleyan university athletics
wesleyan university athletics

wesleyan university athletics Image 5

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      ...Division III is the quintessential athletics division in the NCAA. That belief ...’s Basketball Coach at Ohio Wesleyan University. I also coached field hockey and...
    6. danielebrady.blogspot.com/   09/04/2013
      ...Rickey was Daniel's coach at Ohio Wesleyan University. ( Photo by Hank Kozkoski ) Recreation Stadium...to help honor "The Grand Old Man of Ohio Athletics." The stadium will be officially ...
    7. 1974topps-pennantfever.blogspot.com/   07/12/2013
      ... high school in 1905 he enrolled at what is now Texas Wesleyan University where he played a year and then did the big self-push to local baseball...
    8. northcoastconference.blogspot.com/   12/08/2010
      ...Delaware Hayes High School Institution: Ohio Wesleyan University Major: Early Childhood Education Minor: History... a strict focus on scholarship. Athletics combined with education, ...
    9. gloucestercitynews.typepad.com/   07/02/2008
      ...Dick Kaiser, Director of Men’s Athletics/Compliance Director, Defiance College and Norman...Athletic Director/Head Football Coach, Illinois Wesleyan University; South – Chris Smith, Associate Professor/Head...
    10. fatpastor.wordpress.com/   03/16/2012
      ... Filed under Sports Tagged as basketball , Illinois Wesleyan University , NCAA basketball , NCAA tournament , Titans
    11. Wesleyan University Athletics - Blog Homepage Results

      Dakota Wesleyan University sports information director Leah Rado takes an in-depth look at Tiger athletics.

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